How to use Conversational Intelligence in Sales

Image showing a phone on a white background showcasing apollo's dialer

What Is Conversation Intelligence?

Conversation intelligence acts as a smart mentor for your sales team. This technology uses AI and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze both verbal and written communications. It identifies areas where salespeople, even top performers, can improve. It also suggests responses and offers advice.

Generative AI helps sales enablement teams and managers quickly gather data and discover effective sales strategies. By leveraging conversation intelligence, sales teams can gain valuable insights into their customer interactions. This technology uncovers ways to enhance communication and boost sales success. It provides immediate feedback and guidance, helping sales reps refine their conversations.

Moreover, conversation intelligence streamlines sales processes, leading to better results and saving time and resources. It increases efficiency and productivity while pinpointing areas for improvement, ultimately optimizing sales performance.

Understanding the Basics of Conversation Intelligence for Sales

How Does It Work?

Conversation intelligence platforms utilize AI to capture, transcribe, and analyze sales calls, emails, and other communications. They offer instant responses, suggest relevant content, and provide feedback after the call. Automation features keep your customer relationship management (CRM) system updated and help predict sales outcomes.

For example, imagine an SDR talking to a prospect who expresses concerns about the product's price and integration with their existing systems. The conversation intelligence platform identifies these issues through its analysis. It then offers suggestions on how to address these objections. The AI might even display content cards recommending the SDR ask about the costs of the prospect's current system.

After the conversation, the platform can automatically update the CRM, highlighting challenges and their solutions. This data is invaluable for sales coaching, helping the team improve its overall efficiency.

Why Conversation Intelligence Matters

Conversation intelligence is crucial for boosting sales performance. It supports sales teams during calls by providing real-time assistance and offers feedback afterward. By tracking and analyzing this information, it also enhances CRM hygiene.

According to the 2022 Forrester Global Marketing Survey, 27% of B2B companies are already using AI for content recommendations, highlighting the growing importance of such technology.

Benefits of Conversation Intelligence for Sales Teams

Conversation intelligence software acts as both a real-time coach and a post-call analyst, helping sales reps close more deals and drive business growth. Here are six key benefits:

Increase Productivity

Unlike traditional call recordings, conversation intelligence offers real-time insights and suggests content during calls. It also automates tasks like CRM updates, allowing reps to focus more on selling. This results in more effective sales conversations and refined sales strategies, maximizing efficiency.

Personalize Customer Engagement

By honing in on the specifics of each conversation, conversation intelligence platforms help businesses deliver a more personalized experience. This goes beyond just using the customer’s name; it involves tailoring responses to build stronger brand loyalty.

Turn Data into Deals

Conversation analytics software identifies customer challenges and suggests strategies based on machine learning. It provides notes and summaries that help salespeople tailor their approaches and manage risks, increasing their chances of closing deals.

Support New Hires

AI-powered insights from successful past interactions help new sales reps ramp up faster. Understanding customer challenges and effective solutions allows new hires to gain confidence and build trust with prospects.

Identify Training Needs

Conversation intelligence platforms automatically score calls and highlight areas where reps need improvement. This offers clear guidance for training and development, eliminating the need for manual call scoring.

Boost Sales Performance

By analyzing customer feedback and sentiments, these platforms help sales teams understand what’s working and what isn’t. This data-driven approach empowers sales managers to make informed decisions that enhance performance and improve customer retention.

Enhance Follow-Ups

AI can suggest next steps after a conversation by analyzing past interactions. This might involve sending relevant content, scheduling a demo, or arranging another call.

How Different Teams Can Benefit from Conversation Intelligence

Conversation intelligence tools can help various teams within an organization work more effectively and make better, data-driven decisions.

How Sales Teams Improve Communication with Conversation Intelligence

Sales teams can leverage real-time data from conversations to address customer concerns and improve communication during crucial moments. Post-call analytics can guide follow-up strategies, aid in price negotiations, and enhance the overall sales process.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction with Conversation Intelligence

In contact centers or customer support departments, conversation intelligence software identifies common issues by analyzing customer interactions. This helps reps resolve problems more effectively, boosting overall customer satisfaction. It also assists in training new team members by showcasing successful interactions.

Boosting Marketing Strategies with Conversation Intelligence

Marketing teams can use conversation intelligence platforms to identify target markets and customer preferences, leading to more personalized marketing efforts. The software helps segment customers, uncover pain points, and tailor the sales process to improve the customer journey. Additionally, it measures campaign effectiveness, gauges customer sentiment, and predicts future outcomes, optimizing marketing programs.

Empowering Business Leaders with Conversation Intelligence

Conversation intelligence provides business leaders with critical insights that guide organizational strategy. It helps leaders assess employee performance, identify product issues, and understand customer needs, enabling informed decision-making.

Analyzing Employee Performance with Conversation Intelligence in HR

For HR professionals, conversation intelligence data is a valuable tool for evaluating agent performance and identifying top performers. It supports personalized coaching and training, detects disengaged employees, and ensures compliance with company policies.

Guiding Product Development with Conversation Intelligence

Insights from sales engagements offer product teams direct feedback on customer preferences and feature needs. This information allows development teams to make informed decisions on product enhancements or new product creation, ensuring alignment with customer expectations.

Practical Tips for Integrating Conversation Intelligence into Your Sales Practices

Choose the Right Platform

Selecting the right conversation intelligence platform is crucial. Look for a solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM and other sales tools. Consider platforms like Gong,, or ExecVision, which are highly rated for their comprehensive features and ease of use.

Train Your Team

Ensure your sales team is well-trained on how to use the conversation intelligence software. Provide them with resources and training sessions to maximize the platform's effectiveness.

Monitor and Analyze Data

Regularly monitor and analyze the data generated by the conversation intelligence platform. Use the insights to make informed decisions, refine sales strategies, and improve overall performance.

Encourage Feedback

Encourage your sales team to provide feedback on the platform. This will help identify any issues and areas for improvement, ensuring the software continues to meet your team's needs.

Trends and Advancements in Conversation Intelligence

AI-Driven Personalization

Advancements in AI are driving more personalized customer interactions. Conversation intelligence platforms are becoming better at understanding customer preferences and tailoring responses accordingly.

Enhanced Sentiment Analysis

Improved sentiment analysis capabilities allow platforms to gauge customer emotions more accurately. This helps sales teams address concerns more empathetically and build stronger relationships with customers.

Integration with Other Tools

Conversation intelligence platforms are increasingly integrating with other sales and marketing tools, creating a more cohesive and efficient workflow. This trend is expected to continue, further enhancing the capabilities of conversation intelligence software.


Conversation intelligence is transforming the way sales teams operate, providing valuable insights and real-time assistance that enhance performance and drive business growth. By integrating this technology into your sales practices, you can improve communication, personalize customer engagement, and make data-driven decisions that lead to success.

Ready to take your sales process to the next level? Sign up for a free trial of Trellus's conversation intelligence platform today!

You can also learn more about how we integrate with platforms like Salesloft and Outreach

How to use Conversational Intelligence in Sales
Ajinkya Nene
Co-founder at Trellus